Friday, February 1, 2013

Week 11

So last Friday I found out that I am in fact a week further along than I was first told! I'm totally excited! I know some women find they have a feeling on what there baby is going to be... me that is not the case. It is a huge mystery to me! I mean I take all these old wives tales quizzes and take the Chinese gender predictor.... I know they are all just fun and games... but common, it's really is fun.

 I'm already getting a little bump, and our baby is the size of a Lime this week. My pants still fit, but are definitely getting a little uncomfortable. When they are unbuttoned though, they are amazing. I figure it's time to get one of those belly band things... but they are so expensive! And with me losing my job, I kinda need to be a little tighter with my purse strings... if you know what I mean...So this week, my mom and I are going to make some belly bands of my own. I read a blog earlier on how to do it. I've never done a tutorial before, but maybe I'll try for this one.... if I am successful that is. If I'm not, be prepared to hear about that as well.

I'm definitely experiencing a bazillion changes with my body right now, including running to the restroom double time. I'm currently looking for a solution. How can I live like this.... running to go every hour at least...TMI? maybe.... but oh well. I'm also sooo emotional. trying not to take every little thing anyone says is difficult. I'm also so tired during the day, and wide awake as soon as I lay down to sleep. I'm hating almost every piece of meat put in front of me, and tomatoes. Tomatoes, I'm really sad about that. Don't worry, not crying.  I just really loved tomatoes. I'm also wanting to drink anything caffeinated, soda wise. Like a sip of pepsi is like the first time, everytime. It is beautiful.


Anyway... enough of that.... watch for my Tutorial... or not. In case I don't do one because I epic-ly failed...Then look for my blog on how bad I failed. Have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about you losing your job! I never did the belly band thing, so it would be interesting to hear how you like it. I have another cousin on my Mom's side that LOVES hers!

    I asked my Dr. the same thing about peeing all the time, it was annoying...he told me that once I moved into my second trimester and the baby moved off my bladder it would get better... until of course the last trimester when baby sits on it again...good luck with that one, it's a losing battle, sorry hon!

    I HATED how tired I was...just nap as often as you can...that is the only way I survived! It gets better.

    I HATED the emotional part too...Doc said it's normal and hopefully my husband would be patient with me. A good cry every now and again helped me. I did that alot for a bit.

    I didn't have any food aversions, so I don't haven't anything there...sorry.

    It's crazy the things we go through for these little ones huh! It's all worth it, I promise!

    Love ya tons!
