A 1 Month old, in a 3 Month old's body
I thought it was only fair to post monthly pictures of this little one since I did weekly pregnancy shots. It's like you know her already!
So my little Reesie Bug is 1 month old!! I can not believe it, She already wont let me swaddle her anymore. Growing up too fast I'll say. She's already wearing a few of her 3 month outfits! Mainly because she so long, she's not filling them out width wise. Pretty sure she's hitting another growth spurt.
I made this little party hat... I felt like a celebration was in order. This is where I printed the cut out from! I didn't get as fancy as maybe I should have... This blog has a great way to spruce up your party hat.
1. favorite things about this girl right now.... her perma-scowl. Seriously the best thing ever, especially because I know she got that from me... I'll get a good picture up here soon of her doing it. In the mean time, Here is a cute shot of her smiling at her dad <3 Enjoy
Being a mom is amazing. This little one has changed my thinking about life, and has put me in complete mama bear mode. All I can think about is how my actions can effect her life. Even watching a certain TV shows doesn't feel right... So I stopped watching it. I would never want my little girl watching a show like it, or taking any words or actions from it... Maybe I'm over reacting, but I feel I need to teach my baby by example. I may have just crossed over to the "over protective mom" side, or the "dark side". This is normal right?
Yes, it is all normal! I did the same thing with Jackson!! She is so cute!!!