Monday, December 31, 2012

Miserable Mondays

So This weekend, I happened to catch Josh's cold.... I know, awesome. I cought it on Friday, then Saturday I was feeling great. I figured it was gone.... so I went galevanting with my mom all day. Which was a blast, mom bought all her granbabies something new..including the ones in the whome. 

Now I know that we don't know what our little Appleseed will be yet, but my little 4 year old Nephew says it's a girl... He put his hand on my belly, then on his heart, and says it's a girl. and common, how could I pass up these cute polka dot onsies?!

By the end of the day I was soo tired. I'm sure it was my body saying, slow down!!!

 Sunday came along quite quick and I slept and relaxed on the couch for some time. Nose running, tickle in my throat, tired as heck.... yep the cold was back.... AND STRONGER THAN BEFORE! Ps I had had no MS the whole weekend! How fantastic is that?

So here we are, Monday morning, at the J.O.B. MS is back and all of a sudden I'm heaving at the site of anything....with a runny nose, headache, and week little body. Best. Monday. Ever. It's like my little Appleseed doesn't want me at work either? Thats my kinda baby.

Friday, December 28, 2012

So I'm in desperate need of a MS (morning sickness) remedee. This is the worst!!! I have no idea what to do to make it pass quicker. Luckily still not cookies tossed,  I'll say thank you to that little Appleseed. This morning is definitely the worst so far. I felt great all the way up to arriving at work, coincidence? Probably not, I'm guessing my little Appleseed doesn't want to be here either.

 So yesterday I decided, even on my sick days, I'm going to work my MaryKay business. I want to become a director, and earn our Chevy Cruz before this little Appleseed is born. I think that would be fantastic. Especially since we will need a car with A/C by then... Last Summer with no A/C was dreadful, I don't even want to imagine how horrible it'd be while preggers. So I think a new car that I don't need to make payments on, with A/C, that has 4 doors, would be fabulous. Just sayin.

So Hubby, we'll call him Fred here. He's got a head cold, not fun for either of us! I'm worried about him and he's worried about breathing near me. He's trying to make sure me and the Appleseed don't catch what he has. He's too sweet. But I really hope he gets better soon. He seems so miserable.... kinda like me everymorning lately with MS.....

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Announcement. Sick. Mythbuster.

Just set up my Very First Prenatal appt! This is so exciting! I'm still in disbelief that I'm going to be a mom in August. Will I continue to feel this way?
I'm completely enjoying the attention, not going to lie. I also love the planning and the wondering if the baby will be a boy or girl! any guesses? I've decided I'm going to have a gender party to reveal the answer! Hubby thinks i'm a nerd for wanting to do so, but common, if you know me, you know I don't do anything small... nor will I ever! Plus I want to experience everything! I want the whole enchilada.
Telling my parents was awesome. We had both our families come over to make sugar cookies, and while some were in the oven, we gave gifts to our moms. We let them know we had "made" their gifts and that they werent completely finished yet. My mom received a two onsies, and a Dr. Suess pop up book and it said, please read to me in August! Hubbies mom got a whole Jordan outfit, complete with booties, a beanie and a onesie. It said on it, I hope this fits me... In August!! They both cried. it was so sweet!!

Fast forward a week and a half... Morning sickness is kicking in!! All I wanted for lunch today was an orange and popcorn... luckily a lady at work said that couldn't be healthy enough for the babe and gave me a slim fast to make sure I got protein... luckily that tasted pretty good. Hello high sense of smell!! Oranges have become the best smelling things in the world! So my lunch consisted of an orange, popcorn, a choclate slim fast and 1 bag of saltine crackers =) Happy 5 weeks!

P.s. I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas! I know we did! I finally got a crockpot! For some time this device has been the only thing anyone talks about at church. They make it sound so easy too, yep, buy it from costco and throw it in the crock pot... hmmmm I will now become a myth buster... and throw it in the crockpot. We will see how this goes.