Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Here she is

So today I've been thinking a lot about the day... Well the full 24 hrs or more it took for our little (not really little) Reese Taylor to be born. Then I realized I've never really shared the story of Reese's birth. So here it is.. 4 and a half months later.

On Saturday August 24th we had called our Dr. because we were concerned about an odor my body was giving off (that's as deep as I'm getting on the odor topic). We got transfered to our on call Dr., who told us that what we had described sounded like my water had broken and the odor was from an infection. He told us we should go to the hospital and get checked to be sure. 

We had packed everything weeks before to make sure we were ready, so we through it all in the car and headed to the hospital. Even though I knew from other people giving birth that I couldn't eat once I was there, I didn't think to stop and get any food to be safe. Instead we drove staight to the hospital, where I was told I needed to be induced because there was infact a small infection on my uturous wall, it was noonish. Apparently the infection made it too hard to tell if my water had even broke.

I was so excited to meet this little one who'd been kicking what sometimes felt like morris code into my ribs. I was also terrified that she might still be a boy (thanks to my MIL who would constantly say things like "you never know" or "I was told I was having a girl too"). Not that I'd be upset or love our baby less boy or girl, I just had my mind and nursery area set on us having a little princess.

I was set up in my own room. There was a window with a view of the whole city. it was raining that day, so it was relaxing to watch the rain hit the window (rainy days are my favorite). I was hooked up to a monitor so the nurses could watch mine and the babies heart rate. I was also hooked up to the machine that shows when your having a contraction and how big they are... At the beginning it was cool to watch when I had contractions... Until they started to hurt then I felt like I didn't need the machine to tell me how bad it was going to be.

When I went into the hospital I was still only 1cm dilated, so I had a long way to go.

My first nurse was so sweet! She let me know if I was planning on getting an epidural that I'd have to wait until I was 3cm dilated, and if I wasn't there yet she'd see what she could do for me.

 After a few hours, I never knew how long this could take, I was finally at a 3 and I was starting to hurt pretty bad. Yes I might be a whimp... but I wanted the drugs! And you know what? I got them. That epidural hurt pretty bad, but I knew I'd be happy once I got it, and that was dead on the truth! I mean, I couldn't feel from the top of my belly down to my toes.

After 2am I was only at a 5... They then told me I may need to have a C-section. I literally cried. I don't know why it upset me so bad. Could've been because I didn't even think I was going to have an issue giving birth, or it could've been that I've never been under the knife... Wisdom teeth don't count do they?

Anyway, It was like my body heard the nurse and decided it would work a little harder to dilate. At about 10am, I was finally at a 9! I was so happy! and I could feel my baby trying a bit harder to come out. In my head I was like "I don't have to do a C-section now!! I'm at a 9 so I don't have to!". That was not the case though.

When they had checked me around 11, they noticed Reese was in distress. I'd have a contraction, 2 minutes later have another contraction, then about 8 minutes later have another one. Once they told me this, I knew I had been ruled out. I did not want to cause any distress or harm to my baby. So teary eyed, I said okay lets do this.

I had my husband and brother give me a blessing before going in, which calmed me quite a bit. Then they had my husband Josh and I got ready to go in.

This is right before they rolled be into where they'd be preforming the C-section.

It was around 12:30pm, I was tired, and hungry. I hadn't eaten anything since probably 9am the day before. I so bad wanted cafĂ© rio...All I could think was that once I did this, I'd have my baby girl, AND would be able to eat. I couldn't feel a thing still from the drugs they had me on. at one point I felt a little pressure. It was almost like someone had just laid there whole body on my stomach. Then on Sunday August 25th at 12:53PM Reese Taylor was born. She was a healthy 8lb 12oz 20 1/2 inch long baby girl and came out crying. It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. My husband made sure they brought her to me before taking her into the other room.  

Then they sewed me up and brought me into my new room where Reese was waiting.


P.s. I had to wait a whole 12 more hours before eating!! Next time I will be eating before we get to the hospital.

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